Ogun and Lagos states reopen for business

Nigeria began easing restrictions last Monday in its capital Abuja, Lagos, its largest city and in Ogun State, marking the reopening of Africa’s biggest economy after more than four weeks of lockdown.
Restrictions eased in Lagos, Abuja and Ogun State Government imposed lockdowns on March 30.
Nigeria has confirmed 2,600 cases, 87 deaths
Businesses can open if decontaminate office. The regions will now come in line with the rest of the country where the restrictions in force were less strict and include an overnight curfew, mandatory face masks in public and a ban on non-essential interstate travel. Businesses have been allowed to reopen provided they have decontaminated their offices, can enable social distancing and offer hand sanitizer and hand washing.
Schools and places of worship remain closed, restaurants can only operate on a takeaway basis, and all cultural events have been cancelled.
LandAfrique, one of Nigeria´s main RealEstate developers, is also open for business! Not as usual, but equipped with masks and sanitizers, although with the same customer care and friendliness.